Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I shouldn't be writing. There are several large projects looming. Have all of my readers moved on? Am I boring you to death? Sorry, loves!

Brief update. I'm still working out, usually 4-5 days a week. My fitness level is definitely up, the increase in energy has been amazing, and my stress level has dropped. Poundage? The exact same. My clothes don't fit much differently, either. Bummer, but I'm starting to crave exercise, my nerve issue in my leg (from a slightly off-kilter disc) has improved dramatically, and my new doctor says better fat and fit than thin and dormant.

Speaking of stress, the money front is sucking pretty hard. Kevin is busy at the shop but is still not bringing home a paycheck. Last month we went negative in both checking accounts and got a call from a banker who used to be a member of the Chamber board. Here I am, in charge of the Chamber budget, and I'm getting a call from a banker because I can't manage my money. Well, that's a little harsh--we fixed the negatives the same day, and it was a fluke that they both went negative that day. Still, embarrassing. And, oh yeah, stressful.

We don't live high on the hog. We don't have a Starbucks here. But there are things we have bought that, no, we don't need. Also, I figured out that Kevin's smoking habit costs us two of my 28 Chamber paychecks each year. I made sure Kevin knew about that. I bought him nicotine patches with a gift card we received for Christmas. He's giving it a go very soon.

Speaking of Christmas presents, we now have internet in our home! (Thanks Mom and Dave). My mother-in-law bought us a wireless router and Kevin mucked up the security key thing so we have to reinstall...but after tonight we should have internet in and around our house! I chose not to bundle and get cable--we are rethinking this whole money thing and cable still doesn't get it for us--but we got a coupon for a converter box and bought one (total cost = $5) and we're ready for the big switch! Exciting days, these.

I'll stop for now. I can write later--from home!


Blogger David said...

I'm still reading and I eagerly anticipate more frequent missives from home.

(Sorry about $$ problems though. Can I help . . . besides positive vibes?)

12:47 PM  
Blogger lulu said...

Ah, I'm glad. And I appreciate your offer, but positive vibes are all the riches we require. You know what I mean.

And we're not wireless. After many tries, there are 'internal errors' and other computer shite. I plugged in the good ol' fashioned cable. No need for elite wireless devices. At least not today.

5:58 PM  

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