Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Titillating Titles

That's right, dear reader, I'm creating a blog of nothing but titles for future blogs. I am simply too busy (read: "Too important--much more so than you") to write a full-on blog entry. So the following are titles of future blogs to keep my throngs of fans happy and coming back for more:

1. Makin' a Diff
2. Everyone Assumes the Worst About Me, Damnit!
3. Why Are You People Annoying Me So?
4. Lulu's Random Thoughts On...Commuting!
5. What happens in the Quilting Bee, Stays in the Quilting Bee (thanks Flip!)
6. "Daddy, What Did YOU Do During the Sudanese Refugee Crisis?
7. On the Highway to Hell . . . And Lovin' It!

Keep on truckin', gentle reader.


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