Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, December 17, 2004

republicans, meat...and White Males

Last night I watched "The American President." It's a good movie, but it's filled with White Males doing what they do best--Ruling the World!!! We shall all bow down in fe-ah! My favorite scene is early on, when the president is walking to the Oval Office, flanked by an ever-increasing number of prim white people. He passes a black gardener who gives a cheerful, almost Gone With the Wind-ish "Morrrnin' Sah!" The president's efficient personal aide quickly whispers "Name" into his ear and the president retorts "Good morning Name." Ah--nothing like a good bit of fakery first thing in the morning. Good job, Mr. White Male!

After the reverential climax of the movie, showing a Congress absolutely stuffed with White Males, I pushed Stop and was greeted by the sight of everyone's favorite White Males--The Donald and Regis ("Mommy, why is Regis famous?")--asking a bunch of other White Males their opinion on which apprentice should be hired. Will it be the no-nonsense, Harvard-educated, top-of-her-class bitch goddess lawyer? Or the "Yes Sir! "Yes Sir!" West Point graduate with the undeniably trendy military air ("There's nothing I respect more than the military," says The Donald)?

Gee, do I spoil it for you, dear reader? Or let you guess for yourself? Oh . . . I don't know! Perhaps I should let a White Male decide!

Be on the alert, all ye otherwise well-meaning White Males. I adore many of ye, but beware the Bitch Goddess who uses her heightened paganistic senses to sniff out the odor of overt or even clueless discrimination, and tries to get you to read this sentence as if it was written by a pirate. Arrrrghghgh.


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