Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Katie Couric Bothers Me

It's not fair, I know, but she does. I don't care for "cute" little women, with cute little smiles, who wear far too much makeup and ask pseudo-serious questions of powerful people to appease her corporate master. It's annoying.

And her book for children is annoying. Oh, it's not a bad book, but probably not too tough to write and all the really good stuff was the work of the illustrator--whom she can afford. Same with Madonna. Terry Gross is hosting her on Fresh Air today. I have no problem with Madonna's sexual antics (though I do find people who live up to their stereotypes quite boring and even, sometimes, nauseating). But it must be frustrating for all of those real authors who pour heart and soul into creating a truly timeless book for children, along the lines of "The Giving Tree" or "Charlotte's Web," to be outyoga'd by the Madonna Machine and her decent, beautifully illustrated books that fall off the damn shelves and make big international stinks.

Don't worry, gentle reader, I am not in a bad mood or sad or even somewhat annoyed. I'm having fun airing the little, inconsequential things that I find ridiculous.

I started a list not too long ago, a list for the purposes of this blog, of things that annoy me. The only thing that made it onto the list was women who go out on a winter's night dressed inappropriately for the cold. These are the women you just want to yell at--or at least look at with a disappoving parental smirk--as they walk past you, arms tightly folded, head ducked, as their bare midriffs and stockinged legs are whipped by wintry winds. Dumbasses!

During my commute, there are many things that annoy me, but they're all so cliche now. But I must say that I'm amazed at the sheer number of drivers who don't turn their headlights on as dusk settles in over the exurban mushroom houses, or when misty fog blankets the box stores.

Vegans bother me, too. Last night I watched the wretched "Trading Spouses." Really bad show. I had heard the premise and, unfortunately, I didn't get my Sex and the City DVD started before I saw that they were sending a Cajun-bred, airbrushed T-shirt wearing, fried crawly-things-eating woman to the abode of a righteous, power mad, Californian vegan. I just HAD to watch then. I may write more about this troubling concept in Why Won't You Grow? Omnimedia. However, for my purposes here, there were two very annoying things on that show. The first was the Cajun's son, or Cajun Bart Simpson with none of the charm and a REALLY awful white-trash haircut. He was annoying, but truly stupid was the vegan mom's assurance that she could somehow right 10 years of permissive parenting in a week. Ridiculous. The other was with the vegan lifestyle. If you want to be a vegan, that's great, but the vegans we were introduced to on this particular show were the world's worst kind, exhibiting the kind of overbearing righteousness usually reserved for members of the Christian Coalition. I said to my husband, "There's one thing I don't understand under vegans. I would get it if they didn't eat factory-farm eggs, but how is it cruel to eat eggs from, say, our happy little chickens?" Kevin simply said, "There are a lot of things I don't understand about vegans." If only that vegan mom had been at our house to set him straight. Opportunity...WASTED!!!

Well, this has been fun. I would encourage you, dear, dear, in-need-of-guidance-from-me reader, to write down some of the everyday things that give you pause, but that you really shouldn't stress about. If nothing else, writing about it gives you an outlet from stress, as well as helping you to maintain your blogoverse audience and beat Burb's numbers. Ha HA!


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