Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Woman fall. Go boom. Good!

About the only bad thing about watching football is being subject to 47,000 commercials in the course of a 3-hour game. And, because everyone who watches football is the lowest-common denominator male, age 18-35, the commercials are hideous. Just atrocious. Worse, even, then golf-time commercials, full of handsome retired people sailing to the tune of some counterculture song. The New Boomers. Kill me now!

Anyway, I noticed a thread in these football-time commercials. It's open-season on chicks! When women show up in ads, they are 1. "gorgeous", 2. extremely scantily clad, 3. sometimes openly stupid, and 4, (the clincher) getting bagged in the head with a pizza box, falling off of treadmills, getting "spurted" with beer juice. If there is a man present, he tends to ignore it. Why? Because, like the creative geniuses who came up with the ads, he's a misogynistic date-rapin' frat boy who lives only to hit that ass and then drink some beer with the only people on earth who matter, his fun-lovin', bitch-druggin', frat boy buddies.

Or is it just me?


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