Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Savage Beast, Soothed.

I really need to listen to more music when I commute. Last night I was inspired to dig through the large trunk that contains hundreds? maybe a thousand? cassette tapes--bought and made--to find my favorite Lulu's Wild West Show tapes. I don't know why I thought about them. But I did.

I ordered some short film DVDs from an enterprising friend ( and when I received them I also received a Lulu show that my husband had slipped him when the party ended and he was faced with a long ride home. I was annoyed; there were good shows and not-so-good shows, and I worried about which tape he had received. He's pretty picky about music. There are Lulu shows I know he would like and there were definitely some he wouldn't--not to mention the two beautiful young ladies he was traveling with. (Backstory: I used to do a 2-hour, once a week radio show in Moab. You can listen live at I taped them, and I'm glad I did.)

Anyway, it wasn't such a great show. The not-so-inspired theme was "transportation". I got some good songs in there, but there was one show that was "inspired". I know it was inspired because someone called the station during the show to tell me so. A couple of other people called, too. So I was trying to find that show. I did. And several others. And I listened to part of that great show today, with its seamless segues and litany of interesting tunes, and the ride just flew by.

I started thinking of leaving here eventually and perhaps making custom tapes/CDs for each of my friends, filled with songs that they would like/that remind me of them. That was fun to think about. Broadway, for example, gets some real belters, a few cheesy dance tunes, some fun power pop. Burb gets what I like to call Mainstream Alternative with a few surprises thrown in. Nothing too crazy, as he'll probably listen to it at work. Flip? Alt Country pretty much all the way. No Ryan Adams, though. Unless I'm feeling particularly weepy.

I should say this: We probably won't be leaving until June 2007. Our house won't be ready for market for at LEAST another month, and probably won't sell quickly in this molasses selling season. If it lasts 'til winter, I might as well stick around for my bonus. If I stick around for that, might as well wait 'til Stevie gets out of school on May 31. Plus, the house in MO won't be ready for awhile and we have to buy and set up all the monument stuff. We probably will begin leasing a building in MO, though. Soon. Just to get on it.

In other news, I spotted a tiny spider while I was in the bathroom. It had made a home (a pretty dirty one!) near the floor between the stall-"leg" and the tile wall. How do spiders get into big new buildings like this one? And where did their food come from? Did they come in on someone's shoe? Did their ancestors immigrate by way of the box containing the dropped-ceiling tiles?

However it came to live here, it's dead now. I smashed it.

I didn't!


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