Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Monday, January 28, 2008

New pictures...just for the hell of it!

Took these yesterday while walking around the pasture on a hell of a nice day.

Marky being cute

Daisy being impressive-looking

Stevie's modeling session (he kept wanting me to take more and more photos!)

This is just a really good-looking loaf of bread--and the best-tasting, too. Yes, I made it.


Blogger David said...

Nice pictures!

(And you "made" three of the four things shown.

I wish my bread and my children looked so photogenic.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Sven Golly said...

Fine photos of some fine subjects. The missuz and I had a talk the other day about bloodlines, breeding, and such. Looks like y'all know what you're doing.

6:08 AM  
Blogger lulu said...

Thanks for the compliments. However, what's this about wishing your children were photogenic, Burb? Load a rubbish! Your girls are lovely.

11:06 AM  
Blogger David said...

Granted . . . my girls are beautiful. I suppose I was reacting as much to the dramatically interesting composition of the pictures as the pleasing visages of the subjects.

8:00 AM  

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