Back to Chaos--it's ON!
At last night's meeting with the two members of the tourism commission who showed up (out of 5), I brought up the topic of combining my two jobs into one and got a very negative response. So negative that one member--who had been contradicting every single thing I said the entire meeting--said that just having these two separate jobs was a conflict of interest.
Hey, man, are you gonna feed my kids?
I told them that if they felt it was best for the city to try to get a full-time person in my position (which I support) and not partner with the Chamber (which I don't think I support, but it's still a little early) and if they needed to do that by firing me (or asking me to resign so I can 'spend more time with my family', or apply for the full-time position myself), that that is fine with me. I won't take it personally.
So now it's on the radio and it will be in today's paper, and I'm lying in wait for the first person who says something like 'you shouldn't be discussing these Super Important things in public and it should all be taken Very Seriously'.
Bring it.
Did I really want this, dear reader? You know the answer to that. But it seems to be that if you want to be a person who works for the greater good, you will probably have to deal with other people. And if you are working for the greater good by suggesting the merest hint of Change, especially in a small town pot filled with the murky, simmering goo of years-old rivalries and slights and grudges, get prepared for the shitstorm. People, we're at orange.
Hey, man, are you gonna feed my kids?
I told them that if they felt it was best for the city to try to get a full-time person in my position (which I support) and not partner with the Chamber (which I don't think I support, but it's still a little early) and if they needed to do that by firing me (or asking me to resign so I can 'spend more time with my family', or apply for the full-time position myself), that that is fine with me. I won't take it personally.
So now it's on the radio and it will be in today's paper, and I'm lying in wait for the first person who says something like 'you shouldn't be discussing these Super Important things in public and it should all be taken Very Seriously'.
Bring it.
Did I really want this, dear reader? You know the answer to that. But it seems to be that if you want to be a person who works for the greater good, you will probably have to deal with other people. And if you are working for the greater good by suggesting the merest hint of Change, especially in a small town pot filled with the murky, simmering goo of years-old rivalries and slights and grudges, get prepared for the shitstorm. People, we're at orange.
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