Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The evening of the day after...

I sure am getting my Mom and Dave's money's worth for this home internet service. I've been sitting here the better part of the day, which accounts for the whiny post directly below this one. I'm not getting a lot of work done, but I did do one thing that is definitely progressive and sure to delight Burb:

I created a blog for Missouri River Monument Co.!

You can see it here:

Why typepad? Simple. Typepad allows a custom banner. To my knowledge, blogger does not (help me out here, Burb). The typepad service we are getting costs $15 a month--a bargain, really, especially compared to the cost of a swanky new (static, boring) website. And we have a banner and will be customizing soon.

If anyone has any advice re: which blog service to use, how best to get to the top of google, any of that stuff, I'm all screen-weary eyes!

This whole thing started at the agritourism conference I attended last weekend. The best session was about how to best take advantage of online marketing opportunities. The speaker said a website (for a business like ours) is fine but is often little more than an online brochure (guilty). A blog lets you have the same thing as a website and so much more because of its inherent ease-of-use. Yes, I'll be learning some new tricks. Since I'm used to blogging I'm already inspired to do a lot more with a blog than I do with my website which is, currently, nothing. We never did shell out the $1200 to update its tired design, and its future is uncertain. So we'll blog.

Comments? Ideas?


Blogger David said...

It is possible to customize header images with blogger but it is cumbersome and more difficult basedon which template you are using.

If Typepad make it simpler, then by all means, stay there. That way you can maintain the separation between Blogging Lulu and Workaday L.

7:32 PM  

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