Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Women Get Woolly, Lord Knows They Do Get Woolly

Just got back from the Doc. He says that I am 60-70% effaced . . . but still only 1 cm dilated. Argh.

So I'll go in on Friday for another nonstress test, and I'll see him next Tuesday as usual. Argh.

Still, it's not all frustrating. The fact that he is no longer on track to be huge is good. Inducement carries its own risks. He's progressing normally if a bit bigger than average, but I'm bigger than average and Doc thinks that I'm perfectly capable of handling it all. So I may go to 40 weeks after all, but I really won't go past 41 weeks because of the extra risks to the baby. So I have less than 3 weeks, TOPS. And I have a project to do at work that can be started and then passed to the next person to finish. So, really, all is well.



Blogger David said...

"It's not wooly! Nobody get wooly! Women get weary! Man I hate it when people get the lyrics wrong."

6:57 PM  
Blogger lulu said...

Whew! Glad someone got that reference.

5:29 AM  
Blogger David said...

You're lucky that I happened to see that exact scene over the weekend.

I still would have recognized it, but would not have been able to provide the proper quoted response.

6:21 AM  

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