Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's like a dream!

Every time I sign onto the internet, I see another headline about another Bush-era nightmare that Obama is shaking us out of. I know it's a serious job in a serious time and all, but how much fun would it be to wield a pen and reverse eight years of idiotic, greedy, misguided, for-all-the-wrong-reasons decisions, all of which I disagreed with? From abortion and stem cells to Gitmo and the war on terror, Obama is saying uh, sorry, but uh we're not doing that anymore. The time for childish things is over!

I'm beginning to believe--really believe--that this guy could be the one. He seems legit! Oh please, please, please, let me, let me, let me, get what I want this time.

I didn't mean to quote The Smiths; it just happened! And what I want is, well, Eliot Ness--untouchable. Uncorruptable. Decent. Brave. Doesn't buy into the things that turn people to the dark side. Please, President Obama, be the one we speak fondly about for the rest of our lives! Be the one and do the things we get nostalgic and weepy about when we relate your time in office to our grandchildren oh so many years from now. Let these be the days!


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