Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

It's 9:01 a.m. Time for some beef.

I am disgusted. I am disgusted that we have become so complacent about being manipulated by politicians and their ad men.

We talk about it openly, as if it's all par for the course. Meanwhile, real issues wither. For example, the Bush camp is currently going through the motions of its convention. The PR guys and, I assume, no or few gals, are trotting out their New Brawny Guy version of George W. in a desperate attempt to appeal to gobot females in the suburbs and swing the vote in the GOP's favor. Now, everyone knows that George doesn't really give a crap about women (his views on abortion rights are medieval, he pulled funding from family planning clinics all around the world, his wife has sold out so completely that she might as well be wearing a burka, and let's not forget all the women who have lost their children in this preemptive war). But, suddenly, half the voting population is important to George, and so he puts on sheep's clothing, has his daughters call him a nice guy (so insightful--I'm convinced!), and does these incredibly stupid and offensive campaign commercials that attempt to link this multi-millionaire, ridiculously powerful man and his oh-so-silent, un-Hillaryish wife to, well, to me and my husband. Yes, George, it would be tough to decide which child to pick up first on September 11, but your preemptive policies and lack of courage to really get to the root of the problem by figuring out why they hate us and changing our way of doing military-supported business in the world have practically ensured that other parents will have to make that choice in the future, either here or in one of the countries you drop your sensitive new-age guy bombs on.

Anyway, the press talks about these political manipulations as if they were inherent and even benign--they OPENLY EXPOSE the dastardly schemes of PR people and yet don't care at all! They then broadcast clips of politicians expounding on how they never do things 'because the polls and focus groups tell me to.' It's unbelievable. That is ALL THEY DO, especially during an election, and it's despicable.

When are we going to demand that the advertising of political candidates stop? Are we as stupid as they think we are? By the way, my disgust extends to both sides of the fence, even though--guess what, people?--there are more than two sides! Ugh. Which pair of rich white guys do we elect this time?


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