Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Flipflop, flip flop, flip...flop,........flip..............flop

Yes, I'm ready for the voting to end and the recounts to begin! The other night I had two dreams about election night. In the first, which was fuzzier, vaguer, the talking heads were announcing which candidate had won My Midwestern Swing State--yikes, it was Bush. In my dream, I was crushed. Hideously disappointed.

I don't know if my brain was trying to make me feel better, if I'm on to something, or if the incessant campaign talk, ads, signs are taking their toll, but I had a second dream about the exact same thing later that same night. This time, which was sparkier, clearer, I found myself watching the news on election night (again) and the tv news hacks, for kicks and big! excitement!, presented the news of who won which state thus: The camera would hone in on the Big Board. States that definitively went to one major candidate or the other showed up blue (Dems) or red (GOP). Those, like my particular swing state, that were close, close, close, changed from blue to red and back again, casino Wheel-of-Fortune style (building the exquisite tension), fast at first and then slowing, slowing, redblueredblue red blue red blue red blue red blue.

BLUE! Thank the lord, Kerry won My Swing State! Lying there on my slightly deflated Select Comfort mattress, sound asleep, relief and jubilation washed over me.

Yes, besieged reader, this election is a major source of anxiety for me. I don't have a lot of confidence that it's going to turn out the way I want it to and, if it doesn't, I'm just hardly going to believe it. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! I'll yell from my so-liberal-that-I-flip-flop-in-my-dreams beleaguered soul.



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