Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

It's not easy being green

That's right, eager reader, this is my political talk swan song.

After a particularly contentious email string among Millard Fillmore's Japanese Friends yesterday, and, more narrowly, between Dr. Actually and myself, I've decided to silence my political voice, save for a scant 10 words on issues of my choosing.

Why? ask the alternately disappointed and delighted readers.

Because it just doesn't matter. All we spew about is opinions backed by murky, pliable "facts." If facts are the tectonic plates, teeny little things, constantly shifting; then our world view--voiced by our opinions--are the solid core. And cores are more difficult to move. One of us trusts the government's motives when it comes to foreign policy and applies something like the 3/5 rule when it comes to dead foreigners--they just don't mean as much as dead Americans. Another sees everything through a religious lens, failing to see that being born again does not equal compassion, but it's a great excuse for denying civil rights to those who don't live up to a particular moral code. Some disagree, but don't stand up, or defer to another's opinion, or create a diversion to avoid uncomfy conflict. Others just sit and watch.

Meanwhile, my anxiety level goes through the roof.

In the end, views may change, but--like the tectonic plates again--too imperceptibly for us to really notice. Honestly, I don't give a shit about the opinions of others anymore. But I'm not some kind of assholey rock, dear reader--I don't give a shit about my OWN opinions, either. What matters to me now are actions.

It's fine to send out the results of political polls to the entire office. That's an action with, I'm assuming, a positive motivation. My problem with it is that it is sent in the guise of scholarly objectivity, but is neither. If the Bush administration throws out the roadless rule, funding for family planning clinics, and invades a country. . . those are actions. And I'll take a stand. But I'm not going to discuss opinions anymore--especially at work. I am too tempted to bust open the dam and really attack.

So unless you back up your opinions with some sort of action, and especially an action that makes a positive difference, I am really trying hard to really not care.


Blogger David said...

I am saddened by your decision, but since I am wishy-washy enough to not stick my neck out enough, it is not within reason for me to try and argue you out of your stance.

Yesterday was more heated than most of our political threads and it does seem that this election season is inspriring morerancor than any other in my political memory. Does it mean that this really is "the most important election in our lifetime?"

As to the problem of facts vs. opinions, I guess it is because of the hyperinformative world that we live in that all opinions/thoughts can be buttressed by such a large number of supporting sources. So when everyone can marshall a number of people and opinions that back them up, they are right. It takes true dedication to then verify these sources as reliable/truthful/etc.

One of the first things I learned in college is that no one is every truly objective. We all view the world through our own schema of past experiences/social upbringing/opinions. Everyone s/b honest enough and upfront enough to explain that from the start--giving the reader/listener the correct "plumb line" from which to judge the statements being presented.

(And please note readers, that I am not saying any of our recent combatants have tried to hide or obscure their biases.)

The problem is that our politcal/social timeperiod devalues people that aren't willing to cling to their opinions regardless of the evidence--good and bad. It seems that now the test for "resolute opinions" is to hold on to them NO MATTER WHAT.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I echo Burb's sentiments. It is extremely unfortunate that you have chosen to silence yourself, Lulu. While I think that your frustration is valid and the seemingly never-ending discussions (both political and otherwise) all seem for naught, I think that they are necessary to our culture and society. While actions do often speak louder than words, it is usually the words that lead us to act in the first place (whether they are inflammatory or rousing). If we keep silent and led everyone stay their course, we have failed the very society which we were trying to support and defend when we were speaking.
You should also think about those who you mentioned. Those that sit back and watch, or who don't stand up for what they believe in (I have been in both camps myself). These are the people who you need to speak to. These are the people to whom you should direct your words. Either to persuade them or teach them or whatever. If you don't do it someone else will. If you don't speak to the quiet ones, the shy ones, even the undecideds, then someone else will. And you may not like the results. If you continue to keep your thoughts to yourself you are only hurting the very cause you are trying to support. Sure, you'll never convince Dr. Actually and his ilk to see things your way, he'll never do the same with you either. But who cares about him? Who cares about you? Who cares about me? We've all made our minds up. Now it's time to help others make theirs.



8:54 PM  

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