Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Man, come on!!

We're trying to get our house sold and it's just such a pain in the ass. We've already made no money on it and we're set to lose more, month-by-passing-month. We didn't buy it as an investment property, but if you count the thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours we've put into it, plus the fact that most of our mortgage payments went to interest (leaving us with little equity), we really lost money.

Now, it was a great place to live and it never gave us any problems and we loved it. I still love it, but, like so many other things and people, I've put a little distance between it (them) and myself. Call it self-preservation, but it does help me focus on my present reality.

The potential buyers had an inspection done this past Saturday. If you need to do an inspection, I would suggest you hire this person because s/he found every fucking little thing that could possibly be "wrong" with a house. Of their lengthy list of demands, we are set to fix most. But--you know what? When you buy a house that's 20-years old, some of the window seals are bound to be a little less-than-perfect, and no, we're not fixing all the damn windows.

Are they right to ask? Sure. But if they come back and back out of the deal because we won't fix 100% of what they want fixed--things, mind you, that do not affect the function or even the look of the home--I just may lose it. They are sellers themselves--let's hope they've taken their chill pills.

If not, I swear I'll hold onto that albatross until its wings fall off.


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