Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hump Day

The City Hall building doesn't open until 8:30, and I've often found myself floundering about the house in the morning, killing time by cleaning up Cheerio dishes and gathering laundry until I can go to work.

But now I have a key.

So I came in at 8 this morning. I worked for a solid, productive 20 minutes. Then I checked all the blogs (Burb's, Sven's, Flip's, mine, Stevie's). Occasionally I'll check Spec's. Checking blogs is something I do every morning. A very pleasant routine, I must say.

"Shake, Rattle, and Roll", the Bill Haley and the Comets version, is on that AM station that normally plays really bad classic country. This is, without a doubt, the most rockin' and dirty song I've ever heard on this station! "I'm like a one-eyed cat, peepin' in a seafood store..." Did no one in the early 50s realize what that meant? Ah, willful blindless. They also played a Johnny Cash song--the first I've heard. There's good rockin' today.

At noon, I am going to a Kiwanis Club meeting to speak about Tourism. I have no idea what I'll say or what they want to hear, but I got gussied up in all my finery (grey suit, grey sweater, pretty blue beads) and am ready to . . . answer questions, I guess.

Out at the shop, things are going well. It's slowing, but it's steady. I love my accountant! Whenever I screw up on Quickbooks (twice now), all I have to do is call her and she comes over! Yesterday she cleared up some errant entries that I could NOT get rid of and clued me in to a bill-writing short-cut AND told me that I was going to be ready to turn everything over to her for taxes! This is the kind of stuff that could, potentially, replace sex and booze and even quilting for me. Do you know how awesome, how absolutely wonderful it is, to get a house call from someone who happily clears up all the tax and money issues that, when I think about having to fix them myself, settle in my chest like an elephant's foot? Weight, lifted! Best $35 an hour I could ever, ever spend.

So with that hideous burden gone, it's a matter of daily upkeep and cleaning out the filing cabinet that I haven't gotten to yet. Oh yeah--and decorating for Christmas. I started addressing Christmas cards last night. I don't understand why everyone gets so uptight about the holidays. For me, the little rituals involved in sending Christmas cards and making a gift list for people and slowly, creatively (I try) knocking off that list...I find it pleasurable. The only stressful thing is dealing with everyone else's baggage. As the years go by, I am able to shut more and more of that completely out. Ah, age.

I'm going to get back to work now. Thanks for reading!

(Just heard our ad on the radio! Cool.)


Blogger Sven Golly said...

I must say I admire the many hats you wear (tourism tsar, bookkeeper, marketing maven, shepherd, Mom, craftsperson, activist, musicologist, sage) and the way you wear them (with verve and panache).

7:58 AM  

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