Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Three Little Birds

For those of you familiar with Bob Marley, you will have already figured out that I'm feeling much, much better about things. So don't worry about a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be all right, be all right.

Oh, I'm not ready to shove sunshine up your butt, but I still have hope, I am still somewhat, tentatively, nervously optimistic. We will survive another 4 years of this monstrous administration, and it is poetic justice (as someone wrote) that they have to clean up their own mess. Kerry would have had a HARD time.

Still, I worry and worry about judicial replacements, the possiblility of another festering wound to our Constitution (in the form of the anti-gay marriage amendment--a completely fucking ridiculous and worthless, needless piece of shit legislation), of the kind of economic collapse that could ruin us all. There are problems, and I have renewed my subscription to Mother Jones to make sure that I stay abreast of it all and ACTIVELY WORK TO COUNTER IT. But I feel revved up. Sure, I've largely ignored the news this past week, but I've caught enough to know that I still want to know, that I'm still in the game.

We'll all watch what happens in the next few years with interest. I am particularly interested in whether or not we will continue to move towards a fundamentalist Christian regime--a fucking nightmare in my world.

Despite the cussing and the rush, rush fragmentation of this entry, know, concerned reader, that I am feeling much better--and much more ready to pounce.


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