Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Must . . . Write . . . Something in . . . Blog.

Truth is, there's been too much to write. It's all pushing and tussling at the door, clogging it up. Nothing goes through!

Let's see. Last night I started wrapping Christmas presents. Don't hate me! I also have 99% of my Christmas cards addressed. I even bought special quilt stamps for them. I like the holidays.

Truth be told, I've been buying presents for months, and they're all kinda scattered around the basement, and I felt a strong need to rein them in and figure out what I had and what I still need. As it turns out, I have a shitload of shirt boxes, and I won't even make a dent in my wrapping paper (note to self: need more tissue paper, surprisingly). I'm also almost done with the shopping.

Another reason I started to wrap--besides the above and besides the fact that my holiday time dance card is filling up and making the time to do this very . . . squeezy, is because I needed to separate Stevie's Christmas presents from his "HF Store" incentives, and I was feeling extreme pressure from the lad to do so. The HF, or "Healthy Foods" Store is a knock-off of the AR, or "Advanced Reading" Store, at Stevie's school. All of the AR books are assigned points. Read those books, rack up the points, and you get to spend them on varying-point items in the AR store.

Since we're trying to get Stevie to eat healthier, we took his advice and started the HF store. He eats 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day (10 points each) and can earn extra points by eating more servings or trying new foods (5 points each). I bought a few toys and games and assigned them points--$1 = 100 points. Now he keeps track of his healthy foods and earns points for toys. He's already been eating better, but this has really sparked his interest! His first goal? 800 points for a Bionicle. He's 1/3 of the way there.

He also knows that this is not going to go on forever.

Let's see . . . what else? My parents-in-law were in town last weekend. The only thing I do that impresses my mother-in law is split wood. She actually deigned to show me an "example" of being a good wife that consisted of serving her husband his eggs and bacon when he was also in arm's reach of it and then saying "Is there anything else I can get you, dear?" before serving herself the scraps. After she told me that she was setting an example (and there was some seriousness there, folks), I said, "I guess it just isn't enough to earn all the money and do half the housework any more" and laughed it off. The judgement vibe is all too apparent, and anything less than me gently popping scrupulously clean grapes into Kevin's mouth while he lounges, wrapped in warm Egyptian cotton towels on a soft sofa that I paid for--and cleaned . . . well, anything less than that, and her baby is being mistreated. Ah, grow up, already.

I'm spent.


Blogger Sven Golly said...

Like a juicy escapist movie, there is nothing quite like reading about other people's issues! Wow, I feel better already. Thanks, doc.

8:12 AM  

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