Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh my god.

It's getting to me. I'm very busy and very stressed. It's the little things that'll kill you. I partitioned off an acre of pasture for my sheep and spent a few hot and tiring days painting t-posts (they have to be brown according to my f-i-l's typed "pasture agreement), pounding them in, measuring, running tape, etc. And the sheep get out STILL. They still have some wool and, apparently, wool is a helluva insulator against electric tape that will contain animals 10 times as large.

As of yesterday they've started eating my m-i-l's flowers--an event that I knew was coming and, because I'm so in tune with my sheep, I could almost feel them munching hostas and hibiscus as I worked and worked and worked yesterday. But since I've worked at least 12 hours EVERY DAY this week (including today, Friday--well, it's only 11 hours today), where in the hell am I going to find the time to secure those little pasture maggots? And do you think I'm going to get a lot of help out of my husband? HA!

More later. I've got to get home and deal with those sheep. They're lucky I don't have any easy mutton recipes....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez u make me feel so damn lazy! i can barely work 36 hours a week pouring drinks! love to you and yours

2:06 PM  

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