What if Blogspot Deleted Me?
Sometimes I think my blog's days are numbered. I'm still using the email address from my previous job and every once in awhile blogger will remind me that 'that email no longer exists', and won't let me in. Yeah, I know it doesn't exist, but I could not figure out how to get it changed over and, of course, there's never a phone number or even a person on the other side of an email address. So I take my chances each time I sign on.
Things have been better the last couple of days. I tried to made Friday a healing day, despite the trauma of the morning. I walked to work, worked little, got a massage, talked with a friend who either has enormous insight or has decent outsight that I'm letting in.
I've been stressed this weekend because I have two inservices to do for the Hill on Tuesday. The inservices are for teachers who have decided to pilot (test) the Hill's programs in their classrooms. I've never done an inservice for a pilot, and it requires knowledge of Hill technology that goes a little beyond me (probably). I'm hoping that the teachers will just try to plan their lessons and use me as a facilitator when they get hung up on something. The tech-savvy sales rep will be there if I get stuck, but it's better to practice and not get stuck than need to be bailed out. It will all be fine, no doubt. But this project is one of those things that I can't get a chronological grasp on. I don't know what to start with or what, exactly, to show these teachers.
Often, when I try to plan something like a lesson plan or a detailed task, I visualize it kinda like this: All of the information needed for the task is really little bits of information swirling about, up in the ether, waiting for me to pluck them and put them in a logical sequence, resulting in The Completed Task/Plan. I often have to add new bits of information to the swirling 'cloud' as I go, or learn new things to understand a bit of information in the cloud. But normally, I get a flash and the information tumbles down, in order, as if by magic. It often requires sleeping on it.
The critical thing is that I trust my brain to work it out. I've done this particular sort of thing--lesson plans--often enough that I have an internal sense of how long it will take to get it done. Often, I end up overprepared. Sometimes, and I fear this may be one of those times, I may be underprepared, with bits of data still floating out there in the cloud, and I can't wrestle them down. (I know I must sound high, but I assure you I'm not. My brain, when stoned, turns those same bits of data into brightly colored swirling balls, that majestically transform into little technicolor birds swooping around in a blindingly blue sky. Wheeeeeee! Fly away, birdies! :-D )
I've done some yoga the past few days and--already--the chronic tightness in my left hamstring is easing. I was finally able to pop my hip and produce some much-needed relief. And the homemade facial cleanser made by the local aromatherapist/healer/Christmas tree grower has made a visible difference to my stress-induced skin blotches in just 3 days! Or is it the vinegar and honey drink? Who cares! Wheeee!
Slowly, s l o w l y, getting it together. Just gotta get through the next couple of days. Thanks for reading.
Things have been better the last couple of days. I tried to made Friday a healing day, despite the trauma of the morning. I walked to work, worked little, got a massage, talked with a friend who either has enormous insight or has decent outsight that I'm letting in.
I've been stressed this weekend because I have two inservices to do for the Hill on Tuesday. The inservices are for teachers who have decided to pilot (test) the Hill's programs in their classrooms. I've never done an inservice for a pilot, and it requires knowledge of Hill technology that goes a little beyond me (probably). I'm hoping that the teachers will just try to plan their lessons and use me as a facilitator when they get hung up on something. The tech-savvy sales rep will be there if I get stuck, but it's better to practice and not get stuck than need to be bailed out. It will all be fine, no doubt. But this project is one of those things that I can't get a chronological grasp on. I don't know what to start with or what, exactly, to show these teachers.
Often, when I try to plan something like a lesson plan or a detailed task, I visualize it kinda like this: All of the information needed for the task is really little bits of information swirling about, up in the ether, waiting for me to pluck them and put them in a logical sequence, resulting in The Completed Task/Plan. I often have to add new bits of information to the swirling 'cloud' as I go, or learn new things to understand a bit of information in the cloud. But normally, I get a flash and the information tumbles down, in order, as if by magic. It often requires sleeping on it.
The critical thing is that I trust my brain to work it out. I've done this particular sort of thing--lesson plans--often enough that I have an internal sense of how long it will take to get it done. Often, I end up overprepared. Sometimes, and I fear this may be one of those times, I may be underprepared, with bits of data still floating out there in the cloud, and I can't wrestle them down. (I know I must sound high, but I assure you I'm not. My brain, when stoned, turns those same bits of data into brightly colored swirling balls, that majestically transform into little technicolor birds swooping around in a blindingly blue sky. Wheeeeeee! Fly away, birdies! :-D )
I've done some yoga the past few days and--already--the chronic tightness in my left hamstring is easing. I was finally able to pop my hip and produce some much-needed relief. And the homemade facial cleanser made by the local aromatherapist/healer/Christmas tree grower has made a visible difference to my stress-induced skin blotches in just 3 days! Or is it the vinegar and honey drink? Who cares! Wheeee!
Slowly, s l o w l y, getting it together. Just gotta get through the next couple of days. Thanks for reading.
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