Lulu Goes America on Everyone's Ass.
The title of this post was shamelessly ripped off from this funny show called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" that Kev and I have been watching via Netflix. You should check it out. I give it a solid B, with many hilarious A moments.
So, you know how much I loathe Sarah Palin. Here's another reason--"Drill, baby, drill." What a fucking tool.
What you might not have known is how political I'm getting these days. The pins and needles are starting, and I'm watching the Sunday politico shows, even though I usually hate them. I still hate them, but I'm always looking for another reason to hate Sarah Palin and they are good for that, and, yes, I know I'm starting to sound irrational in my hatred of that varmint (shoot it, Sarah!) and that this is a poorly-constructed, run-on sentence.
I'm actually taking time out of my ridiculously busy day to share this slick piece of direct mail politicizing that I, as a Current Resident, just received.
The front cover shows the candidate for the U.S. House of Reps talking, mid-word, and gesticulating with an old man in a ball cap, in front of an antique tractor:
"Political Candidate"
Raised in Northwest Midwest State,
her character was shaped by her
Roots, FAITH, Family
Raise the flap, and you are greeted with the candidate, an older, attractive woman, in the center of a group of weekend casually-dressed people whom I can only assume are her family (white). A smaller picture shows her in front of a cross, talking (mid-word) with a group of women (black). The headline is:
Political Candidate was raised on
In God. In Country. In Each Other.
In the six short paragraphs that follow, the word "faith" shows up SIX TIMES. Here's an example: "The Christian FAITH instilled in her, along with FAITH in one another which is at the core of Midwest State communities, made a profound impression that she took to heart as an adult."
In a little highlighted box, it quotes her as saying, "Among my most satisfying jobs was bringing diverse Midwest Statians together to discover we shared a common FAITH in the life of Jesus."
The only policy information is on the back, where she is--once again--pictured talking, mid-word, and gesticulating to another old person. That policy? "Because I know from my own experience the power of FAITH-based work, I will support FAITH-based initiatives when elected to Congress."
Wow. Where does a little ol' atheist like me begin? You're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up, as I should just throw Republican garbage like this right into the trash (recycling in my house).
This is the DEMOCRATIC candidate, Dear Reader!
The Republican, if you can believe it, is even worse! He's so bad, in fact, that he has attacked "a good, Christian woman like Political Candidate" (no shit--they use that phrase) in his ads, and accused her of being a baby killer and letting illegal immigrants swarm around the NW Midwest State countryside.
Seriously, people. What am I supposed to think here? Is this really all that matters to people around here, around the country? Is this my choice in representation?
This is alarming. I know it's been happening for awhile now--this slow shift to the right, the slow shift to everybody being so incredibly religious, this slow shift to hell for me and my faithless peeps (and my faithful friends who don't like their core beliefs hijacked by people looking for power and a good job)--but that doesn't make it any less disconcerting. I can only hope that it all shifts back the other way. And soon. I can't run, you see! Atheist. It doesn't play well in Midwest State.
So, you know how much I loathe Sarah Palin. Here's another reason--"Drill, baby, drill." What a fucking tool.
What you might not have known is how political I'm getting these days. The pins and needles are starting, and I'm watching the Sunday politico shows, even though I usually hate them. I still hate them, but I'm always looking for another reason to hate Sarah Palin and they are good for that, and, yes, I know I'm starting to sound irrational in my hatred of that varmint (shoot it, Sarah!) and that this is a poorly-constructed, run-on sentence.
I'm actually taking time out of my ridiculously busy day to share this slick piece of direct mail politicizing that I, as a Current Resident, just received.
The front cover shows the candidate for the U.S. House of Reps talking, mid-word, and gesticulating with an old man in a ball cap, in front of an antique tractor:
"Political Candidate"
Raised in Northwest Midwest State,
her character was shaped by her
Roots, FAITH, Family
Raise the flap, and you are greeted with the candidate, an older, attractive woman, in the center of a group of weekend casually-dressed people whom I can only assume are her family (white). A smaller picture shows her in front of a cross, talking (mid-word) with a group of women (black). The headline is:
Political Candidate was raised on
In God. In Country. In Each Other.
In the six short paragraphs that follow, the word "faith" shows up SIX TIMES. Here's an example: "The Christian FAITH instilled in her, along with FAITH in one another which is at the core of Midwest State communities, made a profound impression that she took to heart as an adult."
In a little highlighted box, it quotes her as saying, "Among my most satisfying jobs was bringing diverse Midwest Statians together to discover we shared a common FAITH in the life of Jesus."
The only policy information is on the back, where she is--once again--pictured talking, mid-word, and gesticulating to another old person. That policy? "Because I know from my own experience the power of FAITH-based work, I will support FAITH-based initiatives when elected to Congress."
Wow. Where does a little ol' atheist like me begin? You're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up, as I should just throw Republican garbage like this right into the trash (recycling in my house).
This is the DEMOCRATIC candidate, Dear Reader!
The Republican, if you can believe it, is even worse! He's so bad, in fact, that he has attacked "a good, Christian woman like Political Candidate" (no shit--they use that phrase) in his ads, and accused her of being a baby killer and letting illegal immigrants swarm around the NW Midwest State countryside.
Seriously, people. What am I supposed to think here? Is this really all that matters to people around here, around the country? Is this my choice in representation?
This is alarming. I know it's been happening for awhile now--this slow shift to the right, the slow shift to everybody being so incredibly religious, this slow shift to hell for me and my faithless peeps (and my faithful friends who don't like their core beliefs hijacked by people looking for power and a good job)--but that doesn't make it any less disconcerting. I can only hope that it all shifts back the other way. And soon. I can't run, you see! Atheist. It doesn't play well in Midwest State.
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