Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Whew! Busy!

I've been wanting to write but haven't had a computer at home and haven't had time at work. I have 5 minutes now. I'm going to write!

My father-in-law made me get rid of my chickens, so I'm pretty pissed. They needed to be fenced in so they wouldn't eat his precioussss grass seed or my soon-to-be-planted vegetables. No problem. I suggested a fencing material that would work, got the go ahead (sorta), and bought the fence. Then, after all that and a YEAR of having chickens, he says no. I don't have time to get into it, but it was very arbitrary and very, well, chicken, and when two people have hardcare philosophical beliefs about what 26 acres of good Mizzourah grass should be used for, and one of those people owns that grass (and lets you know that even though you already know), well, you know.

So I'm still pretty huffy about it and Kevin and I have decided to get out to our land just as soon as possible but it's not going to be easy because to get a well drilled is $9,000-$12,000 or more and, urgh.

Work is extremely hectic because our secretary is going through chemo and there are OK days and very bad days and she doesn't always realize when she needs to delegate so I can do it and not have to scramble to do it at the last minute when I realize that she didn't. Phew. And everything is still in flux--she's leaving sometime, but hasn't LEFT. My jobs are combining sometime, but they haven't COMBINED. I have a person hired to help me, but she hasn't STARTED. You get the drift.

The whole family got the flu this past month and we were pretty lousy with it for the better part of two weeks. It's 95% in the past now.

Watched "Milk" the other night and was very inspired. I'm almost daring some local idiot to start something against gay people. That is one issue that I would speak out about locally, damn the consequences. Obviously, I'm hoping it doesn't come up!

That's all the time I have! Soon, dear reader, soon.


Blogger Sven Golly said...

Sorry about the chicken drama, and the flux, and the flu. it's raining here.

6:50 AM  

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