Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I've Taken a Chill Pill

All right, yeah, so I was freaking out a bit. I'm still feeling like I'm juggling a dozen plates and I'm thinking I'm going to drop them but, somehow, I'm keeping them up in the air, hanging on, realizing as the plates whiz overhead that I can barely do this. But I can do it.

After a spin on the hamster wheel downstairs, it occurred to me in a stunning moment of mind-body connectedness that we can do this whole thing, but that we have to go step-by-step.

So I went home and made a list, since life is all about making a list and crossing stuff off. And I painted the foul white rectangle of plastic that surrounds the large pane of glass in my front door. The rest of the door was painted a fetching "Italian Leather" months ago. MONTHS ago. A year ago??? But when I painted the composite plastic molding of the rectangle, the paint laughed at me and peeled itself right off. So I thought, "It needs a special primer. Surely it won't take me a YEAR to go to Lowe's and ask the door people for the proper primer that will make paint stick to this foul rectangle of glaring white that gives my otherwise brown and taupe and lovely home's facade a glaring, cheap-looking focal point." And, truth be told, I still haven't been to Lowe's. But I HAVE been to my garage. There I found sandpaper and the can of door paint and even a brush. Within 90 minutes, the foul rectangle had waved goodbye to the trailer park and moved into a new, high-class 'hood with two coats of Italian Leather.

Five minutes later, the dog alerted us to her desire to return indoors by scratching at the door, leaving a foul gash of white in my perfect paint job. But no worries, mate! I DID it. And I'll touch it up after she dies. And that's all.

So, last night, I got our business plan all nicely formatted on Word and even got a few paragraphs banged out. It's there to add to at will. And then I made a list of everything that needed done with the house and circled all of the things that I can do myself, which amounted to a distressing (and empowering!) amount of stuff. So, by the end of the weekend, Kevin MUST hang the new ceiling fan and put new doorknobs on Stevie's doors. I will be painting all the ceilings and procuring paint for the other odd paint jobs.

I also spent a part of last night working out a training plan for the 1/2 marathon I'm going to run on March 17 in Moab, UT (provided I get chosen--it's a lottery system). I've wanted to run it ever since my track and field coachees and I helped staff it oh so many years ago. Eleven miles of the course snakes along the canyon road beside the Colorado River. It's gorgeous. I have 35 weeks to lose dozens of pounds and get my heart and muscles on board. I have 21 weeks until the "official" 14-week training period begins. That's 5 months. It seems doable. If it's not, I'll plan to run/walk it. Surely I can manage that.

The weekly plan consists of 3 walk or run or both days, 2 cross-training days, and 2 rest days. Entirely reasonable, but it will be a jolt at first. The good news is that I'm excited about it and really believe that I can do it.

Work is still meh, but I'll do what I need to do to get by.

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