Location: Midwest, United States

Hello. I'm Johnny Cash.

Friday, July 21, 2006


I have about 10 solid color, V-neck T-shirts in my work "wardrobe". Each weekday morning, I chose from among maybe 4 pairs of pants. Then I pick a T-shirt. I finish off this spit-shined look with either brown or black clogs, or with red strappy Chacos. Done! Gleam!

Here's the problem. Most--like almost ALL--of my T-shirts have stains. There's the leftover droplets of spattered Skyline on my red shirt. On my lime green one, there is a little trail of tiny ink blotches. My white shirts? Fahget about it! They're either hopelessly stained or an odd, mottled off-white color due to the fact that we throw our dirty clothes into the washer willy-nilly and press "start" when it's full. We're reckless people.

This morning, because my mood was cotton, I had to go to the basement closet and hope for the best. I found a light blue T-shirt that was 1. clean, 2. no stains! (?) and 3. didn't smell all musty. Where have you been all this time?

I get to work, sit down, log into my computer. While waiting for the computer to boot up, I open a container of raspberries. A millisecond later, I have a rather large raspberry stain on my precious shirt, in the tummy area.

I race to the office kitchen, grab a napkin, wet it, and proceed to blur the stain to a slightly larger area. Thinking that I will send out an email to the field snarkily asking for, of all things, a Tide To Go stain remover pen, I come across a coworker's desk and show this incredibly efficient person what happened. Just like the commercial, she had a Tide To Go pen in her purse. This woman would clean up on "Let's Make a Deal". No pun intended.

And, guess what? The thing actually works! After two applications (it might have taken just one, but I made the mistake of wetting my shirt--a no-no), the stain is gone.

Is that infuckingcredible or what?


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