Starting to Freak
First, the good news: My checking account has $1,409.37 in it. It never did get down to the $4 I mentioned before. Not all the checks cleared and we were able to deposit a "just in case I screwed up the math" $50.00. And the $1,400 is even after I withdrew $500 this morning to pay the movers (who demand 1/2 now, 1/2 upon delivery--cash or MO only).
Now, the bad: That just ain't much. We've only had 3 people look at our house (in 2 1/2 weeks) and I fear that, even with the improvements we made, it's going to languish for awhile. If that's the case, it's $1,166 per month just ticking away, most of it interest. We'll have to pay another $500 or so next week to the movers, and the govt. will take $400 because they just have to make me pay and pay and pay and pay for going to college on their dime. $100 in interest per month on a 10-year old loan. My college education will cost me more than twice the sticker price. Bullshit.
And Kevin and I got into a rare fight last night. Both of us have been working hard, but my list is pretty much clear...or was until he finished the powerwashing and stain last night. I'm still working during the day and, when I get home, I've been doing the housework and mowing and taking care of the kids while he works on projects and cleaning up outside. I'm taking it a wee bit easier this week in preparation for this weekend (when we actually pack up and move), but he's been going non-stop for weeks now. I've told him to just lay off, take a day off, take a nap, come out and play, but he won't.
Well, he's kinda burned himself out, working under these arbitrary deadlines, and he crabbed at me. I had already crabbed at him for shedding--seriously, every room and outdoor zone I went into had at least one thing to pick up and put away. This is an issue in regular life, but it's a bigger issue now that our realtor can literally drive up, unannounced, and show the house. Really--if the house is clean, it takes just a few minutes each day to maintain. I go around and pick up laundry and random clutter while brushing my teeth! But he does not do that.
So I made the rookie mistake of crabbing about it (before he crabbed at me later), even though I knew it was a totally unconstructive place and time. I apologized (later), but then I was miffed when he didn't apologize for accusing me of not doing "anything to help" around the house lately. Hello? Paycheck! Plus I've packed and taken to the barn EVERY single item in the entire house (including the time I spent stalking the copy room to get boxes). I've been doing all the mowing, paint touch-ups, kid care (when we're both home), vacuuming in between the logs of our log get the idea. Right before we pull out, I'll do the windows (again) and fix more screens and scrub the oven and all that crap. So I don't want to hear it!
He also has this annoying way of pinning stressful things on me--at least at first. Case in point:
L: "Kevin, why don't you just chill out and relax--you are overdoing this whole getting-ready-to-go thing. We'll get it done; do you really think we won't?"
K: "Well it has to be done by this weekend."
L: "Why?!"
K: "You're the one who said you wanted to leave this weekend! Plus Matt (the realtor) is having the open house on Sunday."
L: "He is? I didn't even know that."
K: "It's on the calendar!"
L: "Well, then it will just have to be changed. I didn't even know about it! And I NEVER said we HAD to leave this weekend! But if the movers come on Friday, why stick around in an empty house?? If we have to stay an extra day or two to get stuff done, then we'll stay an extra day or two! And if you had something to say about it, you should have set it."
K & L: (fume)
Turns out, the only thing on the calendar for Sunday was "Open House?" with an arrow indicating 'sometime in the first week of June'. Right there. In Sharpie. Nothing was set, and we're driving separately so it doesn't even really matter when, exactly, we leave.
After this stress-driven but rather lazy fight (we didn't even re-orient ourselves to face each other) we went to bed mostly back to normal and with a reminder that our leaving dates are, indeed, arbitrary.
And now I'm at work, and I have about 10 hours left, and a lot to do (but note what I'm doing). And I'm a little freaked about that, too. Which is stupid. Writing it down confirmed that. I'm all right now! Thanks, blog!
Now, the bad: That just ain't much. We've only had 3 people look at our house (in 2 1/2 weeks) and I fear that, even with the improvements we made, it's going to languish for awhile. If that's the case, it's $1,166 per month just ticking away, most of it interest. We'll have to pay another $500 or so next week to the movers, and the govt. will take $400 because they just have to make me pay and pay and pay and pay for going to college on their dime. $100 in interest per month on a 10-year old loan. My college education will cost me more than twice the sticker price. Bullshit.
And Kevin and I got into a rare fight last night. Both of us have been working hard, but my list is pretty much clear...or was until he finished the powerwashing and stain last night. I'm still working during the day and, when I get home, I've been doing the housework and mowing and taking care of the kids while he works on projects and cleaning up outside. I'm taking it a wee bit easier this week in preparation for this weekend (when we actually pack up and move), but he's been going non-stop for weeks now. I've told him to just lay off, take a day off, take a nap, come out and play, but he won't.
Well, he's kinda burned himself out, working under these arbitrary deadlines, and he crabbed at me. I had already crabbed at him for shedding--seriously, every room and outdoor zone I went into had at least one thing to pick up and put away. This is an issue in regular life, but it's a bigger issue now that our realtor can literally drive up, unannounced, and show the house. Really--if the house is clean, it takes just a few minutes each day to maintain. I go around and pick up laundry and random clutter while brushing my teeth! But he does not do that.
So I made the rookie mistake of crabbing about it (before he crabbed at me later), even though I knew it was a totally unconstructive place and time. I apologized (later), but then I was miffed when he didn't apologize for accusing me of not doing "anything to help" around the house lately. Hello? Paycheck! Plus I've packed and taken to the barn EVERY single item in the entire house (including the time I spent stalking the copy room to get boxes). I've been doing all the mowing, paint touch-ups, kid care (when we're both home), vacuuming in between the logs of our log get the idea. Right before we pull out, I'll do the windows (again) and fix more screens and scrub the oven and all that crap. So I don't want to hear it!
He also has this annoying way of pinning stressful things on me--at least at first. Case in point:
L: "Kevin, why don't you just chill out and relax--you are overdoing this whole getting-ready-to-go thing. We'll get it done; do you really think we won't?"
K: "Well it has to be done by this weekend."
L: "Why?!"
K: "You're the one who said you wanted to leave this weekend! Plus Matt (the realtor) is having the open house on Sunday."
L: "He is? I didn't even know that."
K: "It's on the calendar!"
L: "Well, then it will just have to be changed. I didn't even know about it! And I NEVER said we HAD to leave this weekend! But if the movers come on Friday, why stick around in an empty house?? If we have to stay an extra day or two to get stuff done, then we'll stay an extra day or two! And if you had something to say about it, you should have set it."
K & L: (fume)
Turns out, the only thing on the calendar for Sunday was "Open House?" with an arrow indicating 'sometime in the first week of June'. Right there. In Sharpie. Nothing was set, and we're driving separately so it doesn't even really matter when, exactly, we leave.
After this stress-driven but rather lazy fight (we didn't even re-orient ourselves to face each other) we went to bed mostly back to normal and with a reminder that our leaving dates are, indeed, arbitrary.
And now I'm at work, and I have about 10 hours left, and a lot to do (but note what I'm doing). And I'm a little freaked about that, too. Which is stupid. Writing it down confirmed that. I'm all right now! Thanks, blog!